Converting Plain Text
The CSS Code
span.image { background: url(/images/bamboo.jpg) no-repeat; /* url to image */ width:100px; /* actual image width */ height:100px; /*actual image height */ text-decoration:none; display:block; font-size:0px; }
The Text in a span Tag
<span class="image">Replace this text with an image</span>
The Image
The Result
Replace this text with an image
Converting a Link
The CSS Code
a.image { background: url(/images/bamboo.jpg) no-repeat; /* url to image */ width:100px; /* actual image width */ height:100px; /*actual image height */ text-decoration:none; display:block; font-size:0px; }
The Text in an anchor Tag (link)
<a href="#" class="image">Replace this text with an image</a>
The Image