To pass an array in a url use the following:
<?php $serialized = rawurlencode(serialize($args)); ?> <a href="testpage.php?args=">Test Page</a>
To retrieve the array use the following:
<?php $args = unserialize(stripslashes(rawurldecode($_GET['args']))); ?>
Here is an explination of whats going on:
//create the associated array $args['bid'] = 2; $args['pid'] = 1806; $args['mid'] = true; //serialize and encode array to make it safe for transferring in the url $serialized = rawurlencode(serialize($args));
<a href=”testpage.php?args=“>Test Page</a>
//url with included serialized and encoded array testpage.php?args=a%3A3%3A{s%3A3%3A%22bid%22%3Bi%3A2%3Bs%3A3%3A%22pid%22%3Bi%3A1806%3Bs%3A3%3A%22mid%22%3Bb%3A1%3B}
//result of decoded array, notice the extra slashes in the serialized array string(57) "a:3:{s:3:\"bid\";i:2;s:3:\"pid\";i:1806;s:3:\"mid\";b:1;}"
//strip slashes and make it ready to be unserialized string(51) "a:3:{s:3:"bid";i:2;s:3:"pid";i:1806;s:3:"mid";b:1;}"
//unserialize the array //now we have our origional associated array array(3) { ["bid"]=> int(2) ["pid"]=> int(1806) ["mid"]=> bool(true) }